Thursday 22 March 2012

How do writers create characters? 1: Names.

How do writers create characters?
There are many different ways of doing this besides the basic gender, age, race, favourite colour, favourite animal, etc fix. Here are a few other ways:

'What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.' - Romeo and Juliet, Act II Scene II

Well you see Juliet m'dear, that's where you're wrong. A name sets up a character. It tends to be one of the first things you decide on before even writing the book. Let's start with Hunter, shall we? Hunter is named Hunter because he is a hunter. Simple, no? Oui oui. Obviously, that's not his real name but I won't be revealing that tidbit just yet. But just believe me when I say a lot of thought went into his real name. I was stuck between four or five names and I was really struggling with which to pick. In the end I found a quote by one of the Popes (I won't reveal which one either) which fit perfectly with Hunter's character and so I named him after the angel mentioned in the quote. There you go, I've almost given it away. Hunter's name after an angel. That's your only clue. His surname is actually a real surname of a real clergy from the Salem Witch Hunts. Yep, I did my research. When I first started the book I knew Hunter would be religious and I knew his father would be a clergy, priest or pastor. I then developed the story idea to include witches (spoiler alert!) and voila, Salem here I come. From there it was easy.

So naming is hard. If you literally spent five seconds naming your character then I'd advise that you revise it. Think of it as... a baby name. Your character is your baby. You don't pick out a baby name at the last minute do you? No, parents will think long and hard about names and meanings and so why shouldn't you?

Let's move onto meanings, shall we? I like to make sure my characters have names that either reflect on their personality or symbolise something for another character. Felix's full name is Felicity. Felicity means happiness and, quite frankly, that girl brings a hell of a lot of happiness to Hunter's life. Pretty simple, huh? Don't forget to make sure your name fits your character's background too. If your character is French, don't go naming him Billy Bob and like wise, if your character is from Texas don't go naming him Jean-Luc. Be reasonable and be kind. Don't name your characters anything stupid. I'm half kicking myself for the whole "Felix is a boy's name!" thing but I'm hoping that I'll start a trend. Yeah, soon you'll see all the mom's naming their daughter's Felix. Yeah...

So don't listen to Juliet. Don't do it. Call your character 'Rose', don't name her 'Dog Crap' because regardless of her lovely smell, she'll still get some unwanted attention. In fact, just don't trust anything Juliet says. She got married at 13 and killed herself a few days later. Not exactly a role model. And Romeo's a paedophile. She was underage. What the hell is wrong with you Shakespeare!? Stop promoting underage sex, eloping and suicide.

So that's naming. Enjoy. Tomorrow I'll look at... EPITHETS. With a few examples from the Odyssey. Yay...

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Tips on… writing about or as an American protagonist.

If you, like me, are English you’ll often find yourself stuck in the confusion that is American literature. The majority of the young adult novels I read are American and since American culture surrounds us so much (movies, media, TV, books, etc) we don’t pay much attention to it. So the hero is American, so what? That’s just the norm. In fact, I’m more surprised if I pick up a book and half way through I realised it’s actually set in England. I’m so used to America as the basic template for a story.

Of course, it’s not the same vice versa. I feel that if I were to write these stories set here in the UK an American audience would be confused. People would get confused on the fact that my characters are English as if that’s a really important part of their personality. It’s not. It’s just where they live and the words they say; it has no reflection on the character themselves. Yet in the media and in movies a British character or stereotype is on its own an archetype.

You’ve got your British villain
Oh Jeremy...I bet you don't recognise him without the scar...and the fur.

Your British snob 

Your British ‘rock ‘n’ rolla!’

Your country clubbers

And finally, you’ve got your ‘classy’ tea drinkers.

So what do I do? I make my characters American. I make them ‘normal’.
Sammy...what are you wearing?
Judging by the fact people are surprised that I’m from England and have never been to America in my life I’m guessing that I’m pretty good at taking on American culture, language, location, etc. But I’m not going to lie to you - it’s hard. If you find a British English to American English dictionary somewhere on the internet you’ll find that the list is extremely long. There are obvious words like ‘mom’ and ‘mum’ or ‘bin’ and ‘trashcan’ and ‘pathway’ and ‘sidewalk’ (the list is endless) but then there are harder ones that I don’t even know yet.
I think we all assume that because both countries (including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other colonial islands) speak ‘English’ it’s all as simple as that. It’s not. Our words are very different. And don’t even get me started on grammar.

How do I do it then? How do I make the transition from British to American writer? Easy. I use my brain. I use the resources around me. I watch movies. I read books. I used the internet. You don’t even need to have American friends to learn about America but I have them too. Movies and books are absolutely perfect. Say you want to write a story set in an American high school but don’t really know how the education system in the states works: easy, watch a movie set in high school. Mean Girls for example. Although it’s not 100% accurate (there are actually school policies against certain skirt lengths and heel inches as well as the fact not everyone has a flashy sports car) it’s a good start. Any other holes you need filling can be fixed with the internet. Google it, honey.

How about setting? America is a very big country and you must be very careful not to fall for the stereotypes that we over here in the UK have set up for them. I’d post pictures for those too…but we’d be here forever. For Hunter I set it all over the country (they travel a lot) but they three main states they hover in are Massachusetts, Colorado and New Mexico. I had to, and still have to, do a lot of research into not only the people of these states but also things like laws and landscapes. Knowing the landscape not only makes your story more realistic (you can actually use a REAL town name, who woulda thunk it?) but it’ll give you a visual aid of the setting. I already had an idea of what I wanted the setting to look like in my head and so now having the actually location in the back of my mind I feel like my description is supported and fueled. Laws help too. Hunter has half a dozen guns and he goes around shooting people. I need a state where guns aren’t exactly a regular thing, but it’s not like people will try and arrest him for possession. Not that a prison cell could hold him.

I need a break now because I have to go to class, so maybe I’ll pick up on this later.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Spring cleaning, writers style!

So you may or may not have noticed that I've completely deleted all of my previous posts. All of them. Yay! This is what I call spring cleaning. I'm working on a new manuscript which has bumped it's way up to my priority list.

It's called Hunter, and it's the story of (funnily enough) a hunter...called Hunter. No, that's not his real name; it's merely an alias he goes by to keep the vampires at bay. Oh, and that's another thing - he's a vampire. But he's a good vampire! He kills bad vampires for a living (hence the hunter part) because he took being turned into a vampire (without permission!) very personally. His father was a clergyman so for him to become a vampire he feels like he's being punished by the devil. Anyway, I won't get too much into it just yet but there is a female lead character coming soon. After I've posted her first chapter on wattpad I'll explain her further.

So without much further ado, welcome to my new and improved blog. Do any of you have a house warming gift for me? No? Oh, that's real sad...